About Us
We’re Essential Oil Users too
I began using essential oils for our family about 4 years ago. When I first got started, I purchased 3 small 5ml bottles of Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint. Little did I know that as the months went by I would bring more and more oils into our home as we began to experience the power and transformation that essential oils brought to our lives.
Fast forward to 2015. I was using essential oils for our family on a daily basis and my collection of oils had grown. I remember filling up a Ziploc bag with oil bottles and putting them into a travel bag to bring with us on our first vacation- hoping they didn’t break. My oil “organizer” consisted of a silverware tray that quite frankly was a pain to take to classes or events.
Aroma Outfitters was birthed out of our own family’s need for a better way to travel with and organize our essential oils.
I also knew that by having our oils in the “hub” of our home (the kitchen) – we would use them more: hence experiencing the benefits of the oils more often.
As a “momtrepreneur”, wife and essential oil educator, I understand what other essential oil users want and need.
Our goal is to bring you a quality product without the high price tag (that’s why we have free shipping with no minimums).
Thanks for stopping by our “store” and please feel free to say “hi” on social media.
Charity – Aroma Outfitters C.E.O
(Chief Essential Oiler)