3 Ways to Diffuse Essential Oils

3 Ways to Diffuse Essential Oils

Our family has been taking steps to become healthier and have less (or no) toxic chemicals in the things that we use. One of the steps that we have taken on this journey has been to change out our car air fresheners and candles with these awesome Car Diffusers and Aromatherapy Diffusers. I even wear Diffuser Jewelry sometimes instead of wearing perfume!

Car Diffuser

At one point we started adding up all the hours that we spend in our vehicles just in one week, it was kind of mind-boggling. Then we switched to these great car diffusers and found that all of that time we spent driving here and there we were actually spending that time doing something good for ourselves by incorporating aromatherapy into the mix. The car diffuser clips right to the air vent of the car so they take no additional energy to use (bonus!) and they work wonderfully well. We have small children and they love the aromatherapy (“Mommy, our car smells AMAZING!!”) during our rides in the car.


Aromatherapy Diffuser

A few years ago when I began using essential oils I bought an aromatherapy diffuser and stopped using candles. I had been getting headaches from candles (mainly the fragrance). When I started diffusing essential oils in my home there was a marked difference. I had no more headaches from the fragrances and the general mood in my home shifted for the better! It was incredible to see what a difference a simple diffuser has made with my family (you can find them on Amazon here). We have been using it for years now and I have blends that I will share with you below. While the car diffuser and jewelry diffuser only take a drop of each essential oil, you can put a few drops of each into a full sized aromatherapy diffuser.

Diffuser Jewelry

At the same time I threw away all my candles I also stopped wearing perfume. Why? Because it was also starting to give me headaches. I figured it wasn’t worth the pain. Literally. 🙂 I began to wear Essential Oils topically (although the fragrance doesn’t last very long because the oils get absorbed into your skin) or I would wear diffuser jewelry (which made the fragrance of the oils last longer thus providing me with longer aromatherapy and a nice fragrance/perfume at the same time). We have a few very beautiful and functional pieces of diffuser jewelry available, which you can view here. I recommend keeping blends simple and only putting one drop of each oil on the jewelry pad as essential oils are potent.


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  • I didn’t have the right choices as I was registering so I just picked one! I just got my hard shell roller bottle cases in pink! Love them!!!!! Thank you!

    Luann Kleindl |
  • You’re welcome and thanks for support our small business.

    Charity |
  • I have an aromatherapy diffuser my daughter in law gave me with lavender oil and lemon oil but I don’t know where to start to learn the differences between the oils and what’s safe on my skin

    becky kitzmiller |
  • Hi Becky, here is a great article on safe uses for essential oils. https://www.doterra.com/US/en/using-essential-oils

    Charity |
  • Do you ship any products to Canada?

    Dianne Priestley |

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