Before I discovered essential oils, I never would have guessed that in just a few short years I would become a “home healer,” capable of soothing the mind, body, and spirit of not only myself, but for my husband and kids too.
It’s actually a pretty amazing feeling knowing that you have the answers to so many of the day-to-day ailments that tend to crop up when you’re raising a busy family. It’s hard to explain exactly—you just feel a bit more confident, like you can tackle the day a tiny bit better than before.
In today’s post, I’d like to go over how I manage to do it, and how you can too. We’ll begin by discussing why it’s important to use your essential oils for these things, how to get better at it, and, finally, how to put it all into practice.
Let’s go ahead and get started by laying some important groundwork:
The Many Reasons to Use Essential Oils for Home Healing – Instead of the Store Bought Stuff
As many of you know, I love essential oils. That, however, doesn’t mean that I’ve completely eschewed the absolute wonders of modern medicine—that would be silly. Obviously by no means would I ever suggest that anyone with a serious injury or illness should just “use oils instead.” Please, by all means, go to a doctor.
And despite how the mainstream media likes to portray anyone even remotely interested in alternative healing, I would wager that the vast majority of you reading this would agree with me. If you want to know more about my (apparently controversial) opinion about essential oils and the “oilers vs. non oilers” debate, I can’t recommend enough my post Essential Oil Skeptics, Who Do You Really Trust? where I break down what I really think about the skeptics.
Anyway, with that out of the way, we can all talk like adults again and discuss why it’s actually a great idea to use essential oils instead of the store bought stuff in many, many cases.
The main reason is that when you make a DIY recipe or use an essential oil, you really know exactly what’s in it. Pick up pretty much any store bought product—I mean anything, from air freshener spray to dust cleaners—and look at the ingredients. I’ll wait. Can you even pronounce half of those things?
When I started my essential oil journey, I never would have guessed that oils were capable of replacing so many of those things. But it’s not all about replacing—it’s more akin to finding newer, better, more natural ways of doing things. In my book, that’s a very good thing indeed. However, if you’re anything like me, the real challenge won’t be finding exciting and effective ways to put your to good use… it’ll be actually doing it.
And that’s why you have to follow this very important step if you’re serious about becoming a “home healer” with essential oils:
The First Step to Actually USING Your Oils When They’re Needed the Most

If you’ve been following me on Aroma Outfitters for the past few years, you know my big thing is organization. And believe it or not, it really isn’t just because we sell the world’s best essential oil storage boxes. Seriously! My obsession with storing essential oils started when I came to a very important realization:
The better organized your essential oils are, the more likely you are to use them.
That’s become my mantra during my years in the essential oil community, and almost everyone that’s used the boxes made by Aroma Outfitters has come to agree. The fact of the matter is, when your oils are accessible, easily recognized (we include free bottle cap labels with many of our boxes), and safely stored, you’re going to have an easier time using them.
Modern life is so busy that we’re all gluttons for convenience (trust me, I’m guilty of this too). The only way out of that trap is to make sure that doing the “right” thing—in this case, using essential oils—is just as easy as doing the “wrong” thing.
If you want to learn how to organize and store your essential oils like a pro, make sure you read my post The Complete Guide to Proper Essential Oil Storage where I go into great detail about how to pick the storage solution that’s right for you and tell you how to avoid the “three enemies” of essential oils.
(Bonus tip: read What to Look For When Buying Essential Oils to make sure you’re buying high quality oils—I make no brand-specific recommendations in that post, just the info you need to make informed decisions about your oils.)
All right. You know why you’re using essential oils instead of the chemical-laden store bought products and you know how to store them properly for maximum safety and efficiency. Great! Let’s learn how to use them to soothe the mind, body, and spirit, in that order:
How to Soothe the Mind With Essential Oils
Interestingly, I actually think soothing the mind is the easiest kind of soothing-with-essential-oils you can do, even though at the outset it seems like it would be different to manage your mood (or your kid’s moods) with essential oils. They’re remarkably effective.
For example, and speaking of kids, a great starting point is my post Staying Calm & Focused at School: An Essential Oil Guide for Adults and Children. After realizing that essential oils really do help their kids focus, the biggest problem parents face are whether or not the kids can bring their oils to school with them—many academic institutions (including high schools and colleges) disallow it. In that post I detail why wearable diffusers are the best possible solution to be able to bring the benefits of aromatherapy with you anywhere. /products/essential-oil-wooden-storage-box-organizer-case For example, and speaking of kids, a great starting point is my post Staying Calm & Focused at School: An Essential Oil Guide for Adults and Children. After realizing that essential oils really do help their kids focus, the biggest problem parents face are whether or not the kids can bring their oils to school with them—many academic institutions (including high schools and colleges) disallow it. In that post I detail why wearable diffusers are the best possible solution to be able to bring the benefits of aromatherapy with you anywhere.
Soothing your mind with essential oils is as easy as firing up your diffuser with your preferred blend of essential oils. However, you can get a little more targeted than that.
I’ve found that the best way to use these invaluable tools is to diffuse essential oils that promote the healthy functioning of the things that your body already needs, such as sleep, focus during the day, and reduced feelings of anxiety.
For sleep, essential oils like lavender, roman chamomile, orange (or wild orange), valerian, and cedarwood are wonderful to ease along feelings of relaxation and calm. Most of you have probably already tried lavender—it is, after all, the swiss army knife of essential oils—but I think that cedarwood and valerian in particular are underrated, and in the case of the valerian, studies have indicated that it reduces the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. Learn more about all of the oils I’ve mentioned here in my post Essential Oils for Sleep.
For reducing feelings of anxiety, you want to start using essential oils that improve emotional health. I’m no stranger to stress, believe me, but I’ve found that when I’m in a “good place” emotionally, I can handle the tough situations a whole lot better when they come up. You know how it is: if you’re already cranky, even small inconveniences can become major irritants. The simplest way I’ve found to curb this is by using lavender in a rollerball bottle.
For more tips on soothing the mind with essential oils and aromatherapy specifically, read my post 7 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body, & Home With Your Essential Oil Diffuser.
Now, let’s move on to the body:
How to Soothe the Body With Essential Oils

There are many, many ways to soothe the body with essential oils—they are, in my opinion, the perfect solution for things like muscle soreness, boosting your immune system, soothing minor cuts and nicks, or easing the common cough. In an effort to avoid repeating myself, and to help you get the most information possible about the topics you find the most interesting, allow me to simply direct you to a handful of the posts I’ve written over the past couple of years on these topics: /products/essential-oil-wooden-storage-box-organizer-case There are many, many ways to soothe the body with essential oils—they are, in my opinion, the perfect solution for things like muscle soreness, boosting your immune system, soothing minor cuts and nicks, or easing the common cough. In an effort to avoid repeating myself, and to help you get the most information possible about the topics you find the most interesting, allow me to simply direct you to a handful of the posts I’ve written over the past couple of years on these topics:
- Can Essential Oils Improve Your Workout Routine? (spoiler: yes.)
- 7 Ultra-Powerful Essential Oil Recipes To Boost Your Immune System This Fall
- It’s That Season Again… Support Your Immune System With These Essential Oils
- DIY Essential Oil Recipes to Relieve Throat Discomfort & Runny Noses
- Everything You need to Know About Black Pepper Essential Oil
- Everything You Need to Know About Bergamot Essential Oil
Now, one way you can soothe your body with essential oils that I do want to look at in a bit more detail is hormonal balancing with essential oils. I’ve found that this is an unfortunately lesser-known and unexplored way of using essential oils, but once you start paying attention to the oils you’re using and how they can impact your hormonal levels, you’ll be open to a whole new world of “oiling.”
The main thing to know is that throughout your entire life, your hormones have a huge impact on things like your emotional state, your weight, how well you sleep, how much energy you have during the day, your memory… and on and on. /products/essential-oil-wooden-storage-box-organizer-case The main thing to know is that throughout your entire life, your hormones have a huge impact on things like your emotional state, your weight, how well you sleep, how much energy you have during the day, your memory… and on and on.
I can’t call myself an expert on the human body’s incredibly complex (and frankly amazing) hormonal system, but I have done enough research to know that it’s a topic we should all be looking at much more closely. (And I find it more than a little irritating that the only context we usually hear about hormones as women pertains to PMS or menopause.)
In addition to the other posts linked above, start taking a closer look at oils that positively impact your hormone levels, such as clary sage, anise, thyme, sandalwood, basil, and of course, lavender. For example, take a look at this study about the effects of clary sage on lowering cortisol (the “stress hormone”) by as much as 36%. How crazy is it that we’re not all talking about this?
For more information about hormonal balancing with oils, make sure to read my post How to Use Essential Oils for Natural Hormonal Balance.
How to Soothe the Spirit With Essential Oils
Huh? The spirit? How do you soothe your spirit?
I don’t know… have you ever listened to jazz while looking out a rainy window while sipping a hot cup of tea and just felt like everything is right with the world, for once?
It’s sort of like that.
Whether you’re using your essential oils to relax during a home spa day or to make the ultimate essential oil infused bath, the ultimate goal is to settle your mind, remove negativity, and get more in touch with your spirit and the great oneness of our mystifying, grand, wonderful reality—or however you choose to look at these things.
For the more open minded of you in the reading audience, I recommend my post about How to Raise Your Body Frequency With Essential Oils. At first blush it sounds a little “woo-woo” but here’s what I usually ask the skeptics: we all know that physicists agree that everything in our world has a frequency, including rocks, trees, food, and people. Therefore, why wouldn’t the frequency of your body impact the way you feel?
I’ve yet to hear a good answer for that one yet!
Essential Oils Are Your Secret Weapon Against the Perils of Everyday Life… Keep Them Near You Always!
The key to using your essential oils effectively is to keep them near you always. You don’t have to just be a “home healer.” You can be an “everywhere healer” too! It’s not as hard as you might think to travel with your essential oils.
I’ll end this post with a final tip: If you’re looking for a fun solution to keep your oils well organized at home and on the go, consider picking up one of our modular, stacking bamboo essential oil storage boxes:
Tell me that’s not a beauty!
Each box holds up to 20 standard-size essential oil bottles and each tray (the thinner of the two) can hold 10 roller bottles. You can mix and match the trays and boxes to hold pretty much as many oils as you want, and then you just top the whole thing off with a lid.
It’s perfect for keeping at home, but compact and sturdy enough for taking with you wherever you go.
Anyway, I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and found some useful information for yourself and your family—now go and start your home healer journey!