Aroma Outfitters’ Favorite Spring Essential Oil Recipes

Aroma Outfitters’ Favorite Spring Essential Oil Recipes

Essential oils for spring represent new beginnings and fresh, clean aromas. Open your windows, dust off your diffuser, and start enjoying our spring-themed essential oil blends and recipes. Essential oils you can expect to see are plenty of floral scents, woodsy aromas to make you feel like you’re having a walk through a forest, and citrus essential oils to invigorate your spirit.

In this seasonally-themed collection, you’ll learn…

  • Which essential oils have the fragrances of spring
  • How to make DIY essential oil all-purpose cleaner
  • How to make grease-busting essential oil dish soap
  • How to get relief from spring environmental threats with essential oils
  • ..And more!

Let’s begin by checking out a list of essential oils that are perfect for springtime:

What Essential Oils are Best for Spring?

Spring essential oils are noted for their floral and citrus aromas, with the occasional visit from a woodsy scent like cedarwood or cypress. These essential oils are excellent for your diffuser, particularly in the morning when you want to wake up and feel clear headed for the rest of the day. If the winter is lingering a bit and you’re having a rainy or cold spring, these essential oils can help you get a head start on energizing yourself and starting the new year properly.

Many of the essential oils in our spring selection are also excellent for DIY projects, and we’ll give you plenty of ideas below. When you do your spring cleaning this year, leave the store bought stuff behind and go all-natural!

When creating your own blends and recipes, sticking to the following essential oils will help you create fragrant spring-themed concoctions:

  • Cedarwood essential oil
  • Basil essential oil
  • Bergamot essential oil
  • Cardamom essential oil
  • Citronella essential oil
  • Cypress essential oil
  • Eucalyptus essential oil
  • Geranium essential oil
  • Jasmine essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Lime essential oil
  • Mandarin orange essential oil
  • Rose essential oil
  • Ylang ylang essential oil

As always, these selections are totally customizable based on your own preferences. If you’ve been following our seasonal essential oil series, you might have noticed that the warmer, cozier essential oils like cinnamon and clove are popular choices during the colder months. But if you love them, nothing should stop you from putting them into your own spring-themed blends—you might come up with something you love.

Let’s begin exploring the uses of these essential oils with an amazingly effective all-purpose cleaner:

Time for Spring Cleaning with this All Natural Essential Oil Cleaner

Ready to upgrade from the store bought cleaners that greet you with a chemical smell? All natural essential oil cleaners are cheaper, often far more effective, and leave you free from worry since you know exactly what you’re wiping down your countertops with.

To make an all-purpose DIY essential oil cleaner, you only need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup water. Distilled is great if you have it since it has fewer dissolved solids than water straight from the tap. These dissolved solids aren’t visible of course, but you get a slightly better cleaning job done without them. If you don’t have distilled water handy, it isn’t a huge deal.
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar. This is the main cleaning element of this recipe. We’ll discuss why below.
  • 20 drops lemongrass essential oil. You know how store-bought cleaners tend to advertise on their labels the citrus ingredients they use? This is because citrus is a natural cleaner that can cut through grease, meaning that you’ll find this recipe extremely useful in the kitchen.

spring cleaning with this all natural essential oil cleanerThat’s it. Three ingredients.

Take everything and pour it all into a spray bottle, glass preferably. Enjoy the strong scent of the lemongrass. Put the cap on and shake it up vigorously, and you’re done. You can safely use this as an all-purpose cleaner just about anywhere in your home since it works well for wood, porcelain countertops, steel, and so on. As with any cleaner, if you’re concerned about potentially damaging a piece of furniture or similar, just test it out on a small non-visible area first.

As a quick note to make your cleaning projects much easier, consider investing in a few washable microfiber cloths (yes, the same kind of cloth people clean their eyeglasses with). The density of the cloth makes cleanup jobs significantly easier, and it pairs well with this DIY recipe.

So, what about the vinegar? Here’s why it works so well: it has a very low pH content. Combine that with the acetic acid and it accomplishes three things:

  • Loosens dirt and grease better than just about anything else you’re likely to be able to buy in a grocery store
  • Deodorizes the area (handy for indoor pet accidents)
  • Prevents the growth of fungus and other microorganisms

Combine these features with the purifying, grease-cutting properties of lemongrass and you’ve got yourself an extremely powerful-yet-safe all-purpose cleaner.

DIY Citrus Essential Oil Dishwashing Recipe

Have you ever met someone that’s a fan of Dr. Bronner’s soap? If you have, you know that they can go on and on about how effective it is. That’s because Dr. Bronner’s and other similar brands are castile soaps. These olive oil based soaps are named after Castile in Spain, where they grew (you guessed it) tons of olives. These kinds of oil-based soaps are so effective thanks to their high level of pH, similar to what we discussed before concerning vinegar.

Vinegar is great for an all-purpose spray but doesn’t have the kind of viscosity you’d generally want for a dish soap. Once again, we recommend you pitch chemical-laden store-bought stuff and make your own spring-fresh essential oil dishwashing liquid. You’ll need:

Combine all three ingredients, mix well, and once again thanks to the grease-busting properties of the citrus essential oils, you’ll have sparkling dishes. The only thing to watch out for is the castile soap: sometimes it needs to be diluted. While harmless, concentrated castile soap can be irritating to your hands.

Spring Relief From Seasonal Threats With Essential Oils

Ah, spring. All the blooming flowers, budding trees, and light breezes.

Light breezes which carry all of that pollen right into your nose and eyes.

For some people, it’s no big deal. For some of us, it means we dread spring, which is supposed to be a beautiful time of year. It’s hard to enjoy that beauty when your eyes are itchy and your nose is stuffed up. It doesn’t make matters any better when you realize that most over-the-counter products tend to dry you out so badly it can lead to throat irritation or a foggy-headed feeling.

The good news is that if you have trouble with seasonal threats, you can probably provide yourself with relief with a few drops of the right essential oils. All you need are:

  • 5-6 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 7-8 drops lavender essential oil
  • 7-8 drops lemon essential oil
  • Your preferred carrier oil, jojoba or sweet almond oil work well

As you might have guessed, these essential oils should help clear your nasal passages and sinuses. This is enough to fill a 10 mL bottle. Drip the essential oils in, and fill it the rest of the way with the carrier oil. Increase the amounts if your bottle size is larger. If you have one handy, a rollerball bottle works great for this (they’re the bottles with a little ball on the cap, almost like a ballpoint pen, which makes topical application easy).

Shake the mixture and, the next time you feel springtime trouble coming on, dab a bit of the blend behind your ears and on your neck. You can also inhale directly from the bottle, although applying it below your nose on your lip isn’t recommended since the skin there tends to be more sensitive. Repeat every 20 minutes or so and you should begin to feel much clearer.

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes for Spring

Springtime is a wonderful season to bring out your diffuser. While a walk outside can bring you plenty of sights, sounds, and smells to enjoy all on its own, sometimes we have to be inside. If you’re cooped up in your office or just want a great way to relax inside at home, try out some of our favorite blends for spring.

A selection of springtime diffuser recipes wouldn’t be complete without a fragrant floral blend. Take a look at “Flower Shop.” Make sure to only do one drop of ginger as it’s quite powerful, but in this particular blend, it really pulls everything together.

  • 4 drops patchouli essential oil
  • 3 drops ylang ylang essential oil
  • 1 drop ginger essential oil

For a crisp and refreshing diffuser blend, try “Spring Lake.” Imagine that you’re taking a walk along the lakeside with all of the fresh flowers in bloom.

  • 2 drops jasmine essential oil
  • 1 drop lavender essential oil
  • 1 drop grapefruit essential oil

Like so many of us, are you prone to environmental threats in the spring? As you probably already know, essential oils can help ease your symptoms. For an added boost to your regular routine, give “Sneeze Away” a try, which intends to help clear your sinuses:

  • 2 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 1 drop lime essential oil

If you’d like to try out more of our spring-themed recipes, you’re more than welcome to download our free, printable spring diffuser blend sheet! You’ll also get a copy of Essential Oils Around the Year, our collection of seasonal essential oil recipes and blends.


New Beginnings and New Essential Oils

If you’ve been meaning to use more essential oils but haven’t found the time, try setting aside an hour or so—if you can manage, we know it’s tough!—to prepare recipes and blends beforehand. Being ready means that you’ll use less of the store bought stuff, which leads to being happier and healthier (and saving some money to boot). Do your spring cleaning this year with some of the recipes we’ve recommended here and see if you notice the difference.

Nearly all of the recipes and blends we’ve shared with you would also make great gifts for your friends and family, especially those you haven’t been able to “convert” to essential oils just yet. If diffusers or skin creams haven’t done the trick, some of the super-effective cleaners we’ve discussed here might be the answer.

If your new year’s resolution was to use more essential oils in your daily life, we hope that this guide has given you plenty of new ideas. Thanks and see you for summer!

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  • I am new to essential oils and would love to learn how to use them

    pam |
  • I love my essential oils and what I have learned about them so far. Diffusing them is a favorite in my house!!

    Selena Andrews |
  • i am just learning about the oils

    cindy asbury |
  • would love to know how to purches these oils

    cindy asbury |
  • im a working mom and would love to get to lnpw more aboit young loving oils

    cindy asbury |

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