Don’t Leave Home Without Your Essential Oils!

Don’t Leave Home Without Your Essential Oils!

After about 6 months into my essential oils journey, one of my children had a minor health problem. I knew that essential oils could help, so I went to look up information on which oils I could use to help them. I didn’t have on hand the main oil that was listed in the information I had found. Talk about a deflating moment… to have listed right in front of me the essential oil that could help my child, and I didn’t have it on hand!

Thankfully, I had some of the essential oils that were listed in the second protocol and they worked wonderfully for us! That moment was a turning point for me. Was I going to jump into this essential oil thing or just “dabble”? I decided that I was going to go “all in” with using natural solutions for our family’s health and wellness. I knew at that moment I needed to have at least all of the primary essential oils on hand. I wanted to be prepared with natural solutions for any situation. Over the course of a year or so, I began to slowly build up my essential oil inventory.

Having a wide variety of essential oils on hand doesn’t help if you can’t find the oil you’re looking for.

I quickly realized that I needed a way to organize all of my essential oils. I also wanted to be able to find which oil that I needed when I needed it, and I wanted to be able to find it quickly.

The Aroma Outfitters Essential Oil Storage Box was my solution for the need to organize, store and even transport my essential oils. Since I also teach classes and travel to events, the storage box is the perfect tool to take all of my oils with me when I go. The bottles are safe from crashing into each other and all of my oils are organized and presentable.

The moral of the story? When you’re keeping organized with your essential oils, you will use them more often and experience the powerful benefits of essential oils in your homes. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

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  • So, aroma outfitters does not sell oils?, Only accessories?

    Dana Winter |
  • Hi Dana, you are correct. We offer essential oil accessories. There are so many quality essential oil companies that we felt providing quality accessories for essential oil users was the best service we could provide.

    Charity |
  • Just got my box to hold 87 oils! Can’t wait to get them organized. Maybe soon I’ll have all the spots filled!!

    Marcia Balchin |
  • Marcia, So excited for you! I’m sure it won’t take long for you to fill all the spots 🙂

    Charity |

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