Essential Oil Rollerball Blends for the Family

Essential Oil Rollerball Blends for the Family

One of the things I love about essential oils is their ability to help with the ailments we commonly face. Things like pain relief, cuts, scrapes, skin irritations, sleep support, etc.  Essential oils provide a great natural option vs. over the counter medicines. Essential oils are also very cost effective – just a few drops of essential oil(s) is all you need. And the cost per drop for most essential oils is just pennies per drop!

Our family uses essential oils differently, depending on the malady we are treating. One of my favorite ways to use essential oils is topically in a roller bottle. I use blends in rollerballs quite frequently because it’s easy for my two children to use the oils when they are in roll-on form.  I also keep on hand a kit with pre-diluted oils in roller bottles (This is part of the reason we wanted to have a hard sided case to be able to put our roller bottles in).  Below is the list of some of the rollerball blends that are our family favorites.

Essential Oil Rollerball Blends


A few tips before you start making your own rollerball blends.

  • You want some good quality roller bottles  (also called rollerballs) with a steel ball – this helps the plastic ball not become too degraded over time.
  • You will need a carrier oil – my favorite is Fractionated Coconut Oil since it’s very non-greasy, but sweet almond oil or jojoba will work as well.
  • Essential Oils
  • Essential Oil Bottle Opener (not required but SUPER helpful so you don’t break your fingernails!).

You will place the number of drops of essential oil, per recipe, in a 10 mL roller bottle – then fill to the top with your carrier oil of choice. Use the blend where and when needed! Essential oils are very powerful and most effective when used diluted and more often (every 3-4 hours as needed).
Essential Oil Blends for Adults

Essential oil blends for Adults

Calm Mom 

10 drops Lavender

1 drops Marjoram

1 drop Chamomile

1 drop Ylang Ylang

2 drops Sandalwood

2 drops Frankincense

Top off 10 ML roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice – apply to wrists and back of the neck as needed to promote feelings of calm.

Rooted and Grounded

2 drops Patchouli

2 drops Vetiver

2 drops Lime

20 drops Frankincense

20 drops Lavender

Top off 10 ML roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice – apply to wrists,  back of the neck or bottom of feet as needed to promote feelings of calm.

Too Many Tacos (upset stomach)

10 drops Peppermint

8 drops Ginger

2 drops Fennel

Top off 10 ML roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice – apply to the abdominal area.


Nighty-Night (adults) 

10 drops Frankincense

10 drops Bergamot

10 drops Chamomile

12 drops Vetiver

12 drops Lavender

8 drops Cedarwood

Top off 10 ML roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice – apply to the pulse points on the wrists and/or behind the ears.
Essential Oil Blends for Young Ones

Essential oil blends for the Young Ones

Sweet Dreams

15 drops Lavender
2 drops Sandalwood
5 drops Chamomile

Top off 10 ML roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice – apply to the pulse points on the wrists or bottoms of feet.

Owie Blend (I also make this in a spray – add a spray top to an empty essential oil bottle)

10 drops Lavender

10 drops Melaleuca

2 drops Frankincense

Top off 10 ML roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice – apply to cuts, scrapes and “owies” in general.

Time to Focus

10 drops Orange

10 drops Peppermint

Top off 10 ML roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice – apply to the base of the neck for focus support as needed.

Cough Killer 

7 drops Eucalyptus

7 drops Frankincense

5 drops Lime

5 drops Rosemary

5 drops Melaleuca

Top off 10 ML roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice – apply to the chest as needed for quieting coughs

Disclaimer: The above blends are blends that I have tried and used in my own home doing my own research. Please, do your own research as well. Since everyone has slightly different body chemistry and some people respond differently to essential oils.  You should always “test” a blend first before using.  There are many other blends available for different ailments. The two resources I’ve found to be most helpful are the books “Modern Essentials” and “The Essential Life“. I highly recommend both!

Happy oiling!

Charity Sig




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  • Mine is a question. I’ve been seeing posts about the danger of oils in a diffuser. What oils are bad for dogs.
    Thank you in advance for your help with this troubling problem.

    Davita |
  • Hi Davita, Check out Dr. Janet is very authoritative on Essential Oils and animals.

    Charity |
  • Hi Charity,
    Thank you for these recipes! I can’t wait to try a few.
    I have had some coworkers ask me to make them rollerballs. They are not interested to get their own essential oils but just want some of the recipes I have made and want to pay me for what they ask for. Do you have any suggestions about how much to charge for homemade 10 ml recipe rollerballs?

    Vicky Heishman |
  • Charge at least enough to cover your own costs 🙂

    Charity |
  • Pennyroyal is highly toxic to dogs AND it is toxic to humans as well. It is sold by very few companies and it really has no place in aromatherapy – it is not safe to diffuse or use topically. Plant Therapy has Animal Aromatherapists on staff if you have specific questions regarding oils that are safe to use with pets – you can email them or open a chat box. They also have a downloadable page regarding essential oil safety with dogs.

    Kathy Wilcox, Certified Aromatherapist |

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